
Student life
Campus Life & Events > Student Life & Leadership>

Student Life

Get involved by attending events, making friends at our student center, or joining — maybe even leading — a group.

Campus Life & Events > Housing & Residence Life>

Housing & Residence Life

The right housing is key to a positive college experience, and we’ll walk you through each step, from applying to moving in.

Campus Life & Events > Athletics & Recreation>

Athletics & Recreation

Home of the Scarlet Raiders!

Campus Life & Events > Dining>


Choose a meal plan that fits your budget, and find out how you can use your Raider Dollars at our on-campus dining locations. 

Campus Life & Events > Intercultural Resource Center>

Intercultural Resource Center

Feel good being yourself, engage in dialogue with different cultures, and develop skills that spark social justice.

Event Services 2
Campus Life & Events > Event Services>

Reservations & Special Events

Tasked to run or assist with an event? We’ll help you with the nuts and bolts, like reservations and catering.