If you are in crisis, or if you have seen someone displaying concerning behavior, our Campus Awareness Response and Education (CARE) Team will respond and find a way to help.

Get in Touch

If you’re worried about someone or worried about yourself, we can step in. Our responsive team will provide students with the resources and support needed.

Care Team Concern Form

Reasons to Report

Still not sure if it’s a matter for the CARE Team? Here are common reasons to reach out:

  • Sending verbal or written threats to another student, staff, or faculty member.
  • Writing about or verbally expressing suicidal ideation.
  • Exhibiting declining academic performance and/or has excessive absences.
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness or helplessness.
  • Displaying physical signs of fatigue, disorientation, anxiety, stress, failing to eat, or poor hygiene.
  • Messages on social media with concerning language.
  • Engaging in other actions which cause an alarm or call into question the safety of the student or other members of the community.

When to Call Campus Police

Need help immediately? Call 911 or Campus Police at (973) 353-5111.

After You Submit a Report

A member of the CARE Team will follow up to confirm the report has been received. Next, we will reach out to the student of concern to schedule a meeting.

Keep in mind that we may not be able to give you details of how we handled the situation to protect the privacy of the student you are concerned about. We take every report seriously and do all we can to make sure the student gets the support they need.

Contact the CARE Team

You can also call or email to make a report or follow up.