OSLL promotes such a welcoming environment and means to make a tangible change on campus, I was able to serve RU-N, its students, and my own growth more than I ever hoped.
Bio: Rocky Manghani is a current fourth year student at Rutgers University Newark, double majoring in Marketing and Psychology. During his time as an undergraduate student he was on several projects including distributing student care packages, helping pass Student Government bills to further improve student life, and most importantly starting the Rutgers Newark Gaming Club. He promoted a platform to form a community around the terrifying uncertainty of COVID 19, pulling all his efforts into a place away from the world. The Gaming Club grew to date 540 members and still maintains an active community on campus where no matter your major, ethnicity, religion, or skillsets, anyone can find themselves being welcomed with open arms.
About The Office: Through my three years associating with the Office of Student Life and Leadership (OSLL), it’s been such a pleasure getting to know each and every person who makes our campus what it is. I always recommend to anyone wanting to make a difference, to start here. OSLL promotes such a welcoming environment and means to make a tangible change on campus, I was able to serve RU-N, its students, and my own growth more than I ever hoped. My involvement gave me a chance to abide by a quote I would like to live by, to leave a mark wherever I stand. My experiences in OSLL and as a student leader have led me to grow so much further than anticipated, and I aspire to continue using these skills as I graduate. I do hope you take advantage of college not for the degree, but for the resources and experiences, make a tangible difference and see how rewarding it truly can be!