The Office of Career Resources & Exploration (CRE) is a central resource that empowers undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni by teaching them skills and facilitating connections to fuel their career success. No matter where you are in your own journey, from choosing a major or career to preparing for applications and interviews, the office of Career Resources and Exploration helps you to take action and be career ready. 

Events and programs throughout the year will get you connected to employers, recruiters, alumni, and other professionals. The Office of Career Resources & Exploration also offers information and resources to explore industries, discover opportunities, and find communities related to your personal and career goals. 

From your first year to your last year on campus—and beyond that, as an alumnus—The Office of Career Resources & Exploration will move you toward your future. 


Student Feature

female student

Kaylen Lane

Career Resources & Exploration

The word career definitely used to scare me, and I know it scares a lot of other people, but at the CDC we provide personalized assistance that doesn’t overwhelm the students.

There are a number of ways to get started with the The Office of Career Resources & Exploration: 

  • Website: find industry communities, identity communities, or information that will get you career ready 

  • Rutgers-Newark Handshake: log into your account to view postings, connect with students and employers nationwide, and access events and resources 

  • Events: get career tips, make connections, and learn about different opportunities 

Contact The Office of Career Resources & Exploration

Exploring career ideas or ready to take action? Make an appointment or just drop in during our regular hours.